Applying “Best Practices” in marketing since 1997 to drive in sales and dominate your market place
Beatty Carmichael, Founder and CEO

About Beatty Carmichael and the
history behind Agent Dominator
Beatty Carmichael is a professional-to-consumer marketing expert.
While building his own telecom distribution business in the 1990’s, he experimented and perfected a number of marketing approaches that supercharged his sales. Then, in 1997, he formed the business that now powers Agent Dominator today. His first client was a large telecom company, and using his techniques they increased new client activation revenues by $5 million a month within 28 months.
Over the first 15 years, Beatty continued testing and improving his marketing systems. Clients using his services routinely beat their previous sales records, with sales teams often doubling and tripling their production in as little as 4 months.
In 2012 he focused the company’s efforts exclusively on the real estate industry, and the beginning of Agent Dominator was birthed. Starting with geographic farming using postcard marketing, the objective was to help agents get more listings. In that pursuit, he mailed over 2 million postcards, conducted 21 split marketing tests, plus tested an additional 37 message variations, to determine what message, fonts, headlines and layouts actually worked best to get the most listings. By applying the results from these tests, many of his Realtor clients have earned around $100K or more in their first 12 months with postcard marketing alone.
Since the early days of geographic farming, Agent Dominator has expanded into other areas, developing its own cutting edge technologies that further increase more listings for its clients. Agent Dominator has also expanded from being focused solely on geographic farming to now helping agents increase sales and referrals from past clients and sphere of influence, to helping commercial brokers acquire new properties to sell … and able to offer a money back guarantee on the results it produces.
Beatty and his company have worked with some of the top Realtors in the country — individuals earning over $1 million a year GCI from personal production, to leaders of teams who do 100-300 transactions a year, and other teams that range from 800 to over 2,100 transactions a year. In addition to being the chief marketing expert, Beatty also publishes a blog and podcast named that is committed to helping agents get more listings by teaching them simple, best practices in marketing to do it (see blog link at the bottom of this page).
Agent Dominator is a cutting edge, proven marketing system for real estate agents to help them generate new listings, increase referrals, and acquire commercial investment property listings.