Download for FREE – my 25 professionally written Geographic Farming postcards that get up to 2 to 3 times MORE listings than traditional postcards! Read on..
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Proven, Ready-to-print Geographic Farming Postcards…
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Use these 25, field-tested, ready-to-print postcard templates immediately to start getting listings in a geographic farm!
Professionally written postcards that generate as many as 2 to 3 times MORE listings than traditional postcards
Professional, eye-catching designs make you stand out
Designed to engage homeowners thinking about selling and create interest in them to call you
Templates are in high-res PDFs and 100% ready to print by any printer — simply personalize with your contact info and photo
“These are the SAME postcards we had created by one of real estate’s TOP marketing experts for our clients. His copywriting fee would cost you $12,000 to $15,000 if you hired him to create a custom set for you. Download ours, use them, and start getting listings immediately”!
– Beatty Carmichael, CEO of Agent Dominator, $100K Geo Farming Challenge