Before You Continue There Is ONE More Item of UTMOST Importance…
You’re only going to see this page once (ever), so please read every word (and watch the video) very, very carefully. It’s really that important (P.S. my office will email you a download link for your previous purchase)…
What’s included in the “Earn $100,000 in your FIRST year in Geo Farming” pack…
Here’s a recap of everything you get in the
“Earn $100,000 In Your First Year in Geo Farming” pack!
- Huge discount on printing and mailing our specialized, “Listing Grabber” style postcards – only $0.62 each
- Social Media Marketing kit to add more touches to your farm
- “Crystal Ball Analytics” to identify most profitable farms for the next 3 to 5 years
- Advanced Marketing for Geo Farming 3 part video training
- Ultimate Listing Playbook with every script, dialogue, follow up texts, emails and more
- NO RISK, 1 year, 100% money back guarantee
Originally $3,000.
Now Just $297.99 for a Limited Time Only
You are fully protected by our 1 year, NO RISK, 100% Money Back Guarantee